The average human head weighs 10 to 12 pounds.
When your head sits perfectly upon your neck and shoulders, the body naturally adapts to holding this weight.
But if your head posture is constantly pulled forward from texting a lot or sitting at a computer all day, the weight of your head pulls on your neck and puts pressure on your spine.
Furthermore, when your head is pulled forward the additional pressure on your neck, shoulders and back rises dramatically causing serious tissue damage.
In fact, every inch your head is thrust forward from its natural position adds another 10 lbs of stress & pressure on the neck, shoulders, back and spine.
It’s why you may have developed that ugly ‘hump’ below your neck; to combat the stress of holding your head up, the body’s reaction has been to build-up bone and fat tissue to compensate and protect the spine at the C7 vertebrae.
Forward head and neck posture doesn’t just leave you looking awkward and older than you really are it also causes much deeper, serious problems including:
Constant fatigue and lack of energy
Pain in your neck, shoulders or upper, lower and middle back
Permanent damage to your joints, muscles & ligaments
Headaches and migraines
Poor sleep or insomnia
Impaired athletic performance
Loss of height by 2 inches
Looking 10 lbs fatter than you actually are
Affects your hormonal health
Noisy mouth breathing, snoring & sleep apnea
Early degeneration of your spine
Pinched and trapped nerves
Decreased range of motion
Lack of confidence
Blood Flow to the Brain
Decreased lung capacity by up to 30%
Harmful effects to vision and hearing
Jaw pain and sinus issues
Dizziness, vertigo and balance issues
Burdens your digestive system
If you’ve suffered any of these without realizing the root problem was Forward Head Posture also known as Text Neck, you’re in luck because you can….
Get Your Head on Straight With These 10-Movements
Your friend and coach,