The health benefits of dietary fat are still controversial among nutrition experts. But there is one type of fat that everyone can agree is good for you. Read below the benefits of olive oil for optimal health.
If you’re looking for the holy grail of fats, olive oil has some of the best, most rigorous science-backed benefits out there. But just like anything you consume…all are not equal!
From Paleo to keto to vegan diets, olive oil remains one of the best fats you can add to almost any meal.
If you know that olive oil is “good fat,” but haven’t kept up to date on the latest science, here are just a few reasons to add more of this delicious oil to your diet.
Benefits of Olive Oil
#1: Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants
Most olive oils are about 73% monounsaturated fat — fatty acids that support heart health and help lower inflammation. MUFAs also stay stable at high temperatures, making it a healthy choice for
Olive oil is also packed with free-radical fighting antioxidants, specifically in the form of vitamins E and K. Antioxidants are crucial for fighting inflammation and protecting the heart and arteries.
#2: Olive oil may boost your immune system
Inflammation and metabolic disease lead to lower immune function, making you more susceptible to viruses, bacteria, and other infections. Antioxidant-rich olive oil can help lower inflammation, which contributes to a more robust immune system.
#3: Olive oil can protect your heart
Probably the healthy fat’s biggest claim to fame is its heart-protective properties. Because of its high monounsaturated fatty acid and antioxidant content, olive oil is known for protecting against stroke, cholesterol oxidation, and high blood pressure.
#4: Olive oil is good for your brain
One study in humans suggests that diets higher in olive oil can increase cognitive function. And another study in mice found that olive oil might be able to protect against Alzheimer’s disease.
#5: Olive oil helps balance your blood sugar
Whether you’re battling insulin resistance or you’re just trying to stay in ketosis, olive oil can help keep your blood sugar balanced… One study even suggests a diet rich in olive oil may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by more than 40%.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Other studies highlight olive oil’s antibacterial properties and its ability to reduce pain in people suffering from Rheumatoid arthritis.

Except none of this matters if you’re using poor-quality, diluted olive oil that’s been sitting on the grocery store shelf for months.
Kasandrinos is the only company I’ve found that harvests their olives by hand from organic, non-GMO trees. And you can see that when you click on the link, they gave MY personal followers a discounted price for being part of my “constant energy fitness tribe!”
Handpicked olives don’t just preserve the ecosystem and the health of the trees, it prevents bruising, which means fresher-tasting olive oil.
They also cold-press the olives immediately after harvesting, so there’s no possibility of rancidity or mold.
All of their fresh-pressed olive oil is stored in stainless steel tanks, which protects it from oxidation.
So, you’re always getting olive oil with the highest nutrient content possible.
Plus, they only sell the most recent harvest. That means you’ll NEVER get last year’s batch.
Ordering from Kasandrinos is the only way I know to get the freshest, most nutrient-dense olive oil on the market. And let me tell you, you’d have to do a taste test like I did with my son Jonah to REALLY taset the difference.
I thought I was using a “prime” version of olive oil until we did a blind taste test with Kassandrinos’. Jonah said the other olive oil barely had a taste and this olive oil made him have those pains on the side of your mouth when something tastes amazing. Then when we drizzled it on our homemade pizza, and over the top of our salad!
No words can explain what we miss when we buy the bottles from the store. These are so fresh and pure…Just check the lot number and harvest date — they’re on every bottle.
Please. I urge you if you take your food AND your health as seriously as we do…keep the freshest, most nutrient-dense olive oil in your kitchen. It’s worth it. CLICK HERE TO SAVOR THE MOST HEALTHY AND DELICIOUS OLIVE OIL IN THE WORLD!
Sharing things I love that keep us strong and living long for life!
Coach Dawn
P.S. Check out this incredible deal to my readers from my friend Tony at Kasandrinos. You don’t want to miss it! CLICK HERE FOR YOUR DISCOUNT!