Most people are shocked when they learn that the key to strong bones is NOT calcium, vitamin D, leafy greens, and walking. It’s about creating strong bones with diet and exercise…but NOT the wrong diet, or the wrong exercises.
And they’re even more shocked to learn this…
Even if they are eating healthy…
Their bones could be starving for nutrients and getting weaker!
See, over 90% of the things you might have heard about bone health and osteoporosis…
Are misleading, wrong, or downright dangerous.
I just learned from my friend Kevin Ellis, that what we used to think was right for bone health, is dead wrong. And…that if you don’t take care of your bones now…you could be in for a series of health issues that most women never even think of.
Don’t wait until you get a diagnosis (you have had a bone scan if over 50 right?) and, you DO think about bone health right??
Don’t wait to find out if you’re following bad bone advice!
==>>Uncover critical missing pieces in your stronger bones plan NOW!
To stronger bones, and along life of movement, and vitality,
Coach Dawn
p.s. It’s NOT just about osteoporosis, but a key to all aging that you’ll see when you check out the link above and understand ALL of the components to never falling, and preparing your body now…even if you’re 30 and have never thought of “bone health!”
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