Detox Smoothies for Belly Bloat

Posted: November 3, 2020

Tired of that bloated belly? Or, just plain tired? I’ll bet you’re tired of thinking about cooking. Exhausted from work and too tired to exercise too, right?  And, mainly, you’re sick of trying to fit into your jeans and wearing an untucked shirt. NOW is the time to take in Detox Smoothies for Belly Bloat.

Maybe it’s hormones. You’re thinking it’s age. Most likely…it’s your diet. 

I know, Covid, weekends, holidays, stress, the end of Summertime, and all the reasons you’ve got a bloated belly. 

Blame it on theBeer. BBQ. Smores. Margaritas. Chips and Salsa. Munching in front of the tv and so on… All the things that not only taste great, but add the inches AND the bloat. 

Here are 3 Smoothies that will not only energize you from the time you wake up, but they’ll help detox your body after a weekend binge! 

Berries/Greens Tea Smoothie

1 Cup Green Tea

1/2 Cup water

1/4 Cup frozen Blueberries

1 peeled kiwi

1 Cup baby organic spinach

1 small bunch parsley

Blend in Blender – Enjoy!


Peachy Mango Sunshine Smoothie (great for skin or post workout!)

1 1/2 Cups coconut water

1 Scoop BioTrust Vanilla Lo Carb Grass Fed Protein Powder 

1/2 mango – peeled and diced

1 peeled sliced peach

1 Cup baby organic spinach 

1 TBSP. chia seeds

Blend in Blender!



Cherry Inflammation Fighter (filling and loaded with superfoods!)

1 1/2 Cups water

Scoop BioTrust Vanilla Lo Carb Grass Fed Protein Powder

1/3 Cup frozen red tart cherries

1 Tsp. shaved organic ginger or 1/2 tsp. ginger powder

1/3 Avocado Blend in Blender!


These are only 3 tasty versions of smoothies that will keep your belly full but not bloated, detoxed and revived! 

My husband and I drink at least one smoothie every day. 

Our blender is our most used kitchen appliance in the house, and it is a fast and nutritious way to get in your superfoods with ingredients your body will love! 

Remember, what you put into your body shows on the outside.  

Eat for energy so that you can live long and strong in a body that you love! 

  • I am an affiliate of BioTrust and may be compensated for purchases made from this blogpost.
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