Thyroid issues affect over 20 million Americans, and this disease is on the rise. I want to share with you a brilliant FREE 9 part documentary from Dr. Izabella Wentz- The Thyroid Secret so that you can walk away with knowledge.
I have a thyroid disorder. Hashimoto’s auto-immune thryroiditis to be exact. What does that mean in my life now? Well, for years it meant suffering. Going from doctor to doctor telling me that nothing was wrong and because I was aging, and hormones were playing into life…I should take a medication and just “deal with it”.
Wow. Then there was a doctor that said my antibodies were high…but that was just the way it was with my diagnosis. Again take a medication and be on my way.
Then my hair started to fall out.
Then I gained weight rapidly.
Then I started taking naps.
This was ME. A gym owner, that had stellar nutrition and coached other women into lifestyles of energy and weight loss. I felt like an “imposter.’ I wanted to cry…and sometimes I did. Until I heard of Dr. Izabella Wentz.
Her blog and interviews changed my life.
I went from feeling hopeless, to believing in the possibility of healing my own body. Not only mine…but my mothers who’s symptoms were worse than mine.
We started following Dr. Izabella Wentz and I gathered more information and knowledge than any other doctor that I had seen in years.
Now, I feel better than ever and my mother does too!
Share this post and save the date. SIGN UP HERE FOR >>THE THYROID SECRET is a FREE 9 Part Docu-series that you don’t want to miss. It might save some of your sanity and could actually save your life!
Sharing ways for us to achieve optimal health and wellness,
Coach Dawn