All health information is not the same. If you are in your 20’s and male, you would not follow the same wellness plan as a woman that is 50. This is why I provide health information for women over 40. Because I AM a woman over 40. And, I have been in the wellness, fitness, and nutrition industry for 25+ years.
As a gym owner and women’s coach, I have seen the mistakes that women make. Relying on trends when trying to feel, move, and look better is not going to work for us all.
There is no diet that will fit everyone all of the time for the rest of their lives. We are just too complex for that to be logical. What I promote is eating for energy and warding off disease. Building a strong body that takes you through life is what write about in my newsletters, and 2000+ followers love my tips 🙂
I used to be one of the girls that followed low fat diets, did tons of cardio and was miserable.
Now at well over 50, I still wear a bikini, am told I look 15 years younger than my age, and have tons of energy. Even though I have low thyroid issues, I have found natural ways to combat them with diet and exercise.
I am also part of an elite group of wellness professionals dedicated to helping, coaching and guiding women to all avenues of better health.

Here I am with my 80 year young mother at 57. We love to move, keeping our bodies active and eating for energy.
Are you tired and sick of trendy diets? So are the women that I coach.
Mainstream media is directed at younger “hollywood” types and that is not us.
I love sharing tools with my “tribe of women followers” so that they can turn back the hands of time…and look forward to the future.
It isn’t about counting calories. It’s not about breaking your neck in the gym or running marathons.
It’s about mindful choices that help you rejuvenate your body from the inside out.
Want to be part of my group of powerful ladies that are intent on aging strong, and powerfully? Add your email above and get access to my instant download of 7 Days to Extreme Energy and a more powerful you. Your email will not be shared, I promise!
Health information for women over 40 will be delivered to your inbox and you don’t have to search “Dr.Google” again.
I’m here for your success so you can live long and strong in a body you love for life!
“Coach” Dawn
p.s. Don’t forget to add your best email above. Then confirm it in your inbox for your FREE REPORT that you can start using today!