One of the most common problems women face as they age is the lack of eating enough protein.
With busy lives and crazy schedules, sometimes, it’s hard to eat regularly. Are you planning on getting healthier and losing weight in the new year? Then let me introduce you to the healthiest protein powder for women.
First of all, let’s talk about WHY you need more protein, and HOW MUCH you need.
As we age, we lose muscle mass from the time we hit 30, unless we are involved in a strength training program. If you have dieted, and only do cardio, then you are losing more muscle than the average woman your age.
A woman needs approximately 1 gram of protein, per lean pound of bodyweight. Anything less than that and you’ll deplete your muscle mass even faster.
When you lose muscle, you look older, have a slower metabolism, and usually have a belly pouch and poor posture.
If you want to keep your weigh down, and even lose weight, then research shows, that eating more protein can help. Protein keeps you full, prevents muscle wasting, and is necessary for every cell in your body.
Without protein, you’ll age faster, look older, and be more prone to weight gain.
A fantastic way to kickstart your metabolism, start every day on the right track, and stay energized, is with the healthiest protein powder for women on the market.
Most protein powders contain harmful ingredients, and actually taste horrible.
What we put in our protein powder tastes delicious.
The ingredients come from whole food sources, such as berries, healthy fats, necessary carbs for energy, and superfoods your body needs to slow down the aging process.
Sharing ways for us to live long and strong in bodies we love!