Every woman over 40 worries about what will happen to her body as menopause gets closer. They wonder about menopause belly flab, and if it will become troublesome. Even the girls that lead the healthy and fit lives are not prepared for what happens to some during menopause.
From that tired feeling, to wrinkles and a lower libido…menopause belly flab is the beginning of what seems to last way to long for some. Hopefully, this post will alleviate some of the worry that comes with aging. I am here to tell you that you don’t have to gain weight, and if you already did….there is a remedy for what is happening inside of you that you feel you can’t control.
Menopause Belly flab is different from other belly flab. It is based on hormone fluctuations, toxins in our systems, and diet’s that leave us starving with more weight gain. It is rooted in internal inflammation that wreaks havoc on our bodies and our lives.
Some of us think that we have to exercise for hours or starve and eat horrible tasting foods…that is not the case. With a few tips and tools in your “toolbox” you can get back to that body that you had when you never worried about weight gain. And, if you HAVE worried or gained weight in the past….this will give you a chance to get rid of if once and for all.
Wouldn’t it be great to fit into a pair of slim fitting jeans and not always worry about your stomach hanging over? Imagine what you would look like with a flatter and firmer midsection?
Diets and too much exercise can actually sabotage your efforts. I know…I used to make all of the mistakes and now I have a flatter belly and more confidence than I did when I was 30!
Coach Dawn