After 30, we start losing muscle. Muscle is what keeps us looking, feeling and moving as if we are younger. In order to prevent age related muscle loss, you must do these 3 things.
1. Engage in a resistance program of functional strength training.
Functional strength training by using exercise bands, weights, kettlebells or tools that ADD muscle is mandatory as you age.
The ability to bend and squat, push and pull is necessary as we age. When we cannot do these or stop doing them…we decline.
A sedentary body, loses muscle faster. Not only does muscle make you stronger, it makes you look better and keeps the weight off. If you have more muscle on your body, you will have a faster metabolic rate.

A body that only does cardio can lose even more muscle if you are not eating enough.
Anyone at any age can get stronger and should. When you have more muscle on your body you are less apt to fall or get injured. Preventing age-related muscle loss helps with blood flow to the body and the brain.
2. Eat enough protein to facilitate healing, and repair of broken-down muscle tissue.
Protein is often forgotten in today’s trendy diets. Most people either speak of low carb diets or diets high in fats. What happened to protein?
Truth be told, all proteins are not created equal. You need approximately 1 gram of protein per lean pound of bodyweight daily.
Unfortunately, we cannot get that from food alone.
We need a perfect synergistic blend of Amino Acids to repair and rebuild lost aging muscle tissue. READ THIS TO PREVENT WEAKNESS AND THE DECLINE OF YOUR BODY.
3. Be sure to get at least 7 hours of sleep nightly.
Without proper sleep, we cannot recover or wake up strong. Our brains, bodies and every system will slow down without enough sleep. We are more prone to cancers, disease and age related weight gain.
I’ve coached thousands of people to live in strong and active bodies for years. Be the vital and happy person that never fears the future!
Live long and strong in a body you’ve created that takes you through the obstacles of life!