With New Year’s resolutions right around the corner, you’re probably already planning on better health. I’m going to give you 1 Simple Weight loss trick that will shed pounds fast.
I coach people into lives of energy and vitality.
You want to live in a body that takes you through life that moves, feels and looks great right?
Eating vegetables is the key.
I know…you want a specific trendy diet that works right?
And, that’s what you came here for right?
The reason diets don’t work is this. One diet will not fit everyone, all of the time…forever.
That means that you may follow a diet for a week and lose weight…but it won’t stay off.
Why? Because you’re focusing on what you are not allowed to eat. What you should be focusing on is what you are missing.
You are missing fiber. You’re also missing nutrients that make every system work properly.
What your body needs to flush out toxins, keep you full and shed pounds is fiber. Fiber comes from plants.
I had a client in our gym that followed my 1 Simple Weight Loss Trick for 30 days. She added in 3 servings of veggies daily.
She was also very deficient in fiber.
Would you believe that she lost 3″ off of her bloated belly. And, also dropped 2 pants sizes.
All by only adding in 3 servings of vegetables daily.

Forget trendy diets that count calories and omit entire food groups.
Add in what matters so that you can live long and strong in a body you love for life.
Sharing ways to feel, move and look your best at every age!
Coach Dawn