I love the word SUPER!
From SUPER man..to SUPER foods, to that was SUPER! and the list goes on.
Today, I want to focus on SUPER-FOODS. Your immune system needs them. Your energy levels need them. Your anti-aging plan needs them to heal, and you will look, move and feel better than ever the more you add them to your diet.
What makes a food super?
Benefits. It’s as simple as that.
Below is a list of 5 Superfoods and their properties. Add them to your daily meals and snacks, and change your body from the inside out. With protection from Cancer and free radicals, to skin, organ and cell health. These tasty foods should be on the top of your grocery list and on every plate of food you eat!
1. Red Tart Cherries.
This fruit is a great way to combat DOMS…delayed onset muscle soreness. You know, the day after a workout when you’re tight and sore from your workout? Rich in anthocyanins, these pretty and tasty fruits are a great way to combat soreness.
Eat these daily, add them frozen to smoothies, and drink the red tart cherry juice. However, high in sugar, keep them limited to immediately following a workout, so your body uses them to replace needed energy.
2. Spinach.
Popeye was on to something and so was your mother. Rich leafy greens are loaded with vitamins and minerals, and can be added to omelets, sauteed as a side dish and even thrown into a blender to up your greens intake. High in iron which is great for women that are lacking energy.
3. Flax and Chia Seeds.
Both of these are high in Omega 3s which is needed for heart health. These little nutty seeds when ground can be added to smoothies, sprinkled on yogurt and added to ground meats. (I add 2 Tablespoons to meatballs and taco meat, but my favorite is in my breakfast smoothies!). Loaded with fiber, these can be a great healthy food to assist with weight loss and constipation.
4. Ginger
Used since ancient times to ward off nausea, this still does the trick. This sweet but peppery spice can be bought raw and shaved into salads, teas or smoothies. I love the organic pressed juice stores that sells this in “shots” and I drink 1/2 shot daily mixed with water and lemon…A great tool if you have digestive issues, ginger calms the stomach and assists with natural cleansing and detoxifying.
5. Turmeric
This biblical spice has been used for centuries in curries and dishes in India and Asia. The rich yellow compound is curcumin and calms inflammation of the brain, stomach and assists with pain. In recent studies, turmeric had the same effect as someone taking prescription pain medication with the horrible side effects. Supplements are very useful when you can’t eat curry daily!
This is a small list of Superfoods that will change how your body ages, heals, and wards off illness. Add these to your healthy body plan, and protect your cells with every meal.