Foods for Youthful Energy

Posted: November 8, 2017

Energy. Isn’t that something you wish you had more of? What about youth? That is another one of those things that seem to have vanished. What if you could eat Foods for Youthful Energy and restore and reboot your life? What if every one of those foods not only restored youthful energy but weight loss, … Continued

Chronic Joint Pain Relief

Posted: June 20, 2017

At some point in our lives due to overuse, age or injury, we experience joint pain. From massage to rest, ice and pain meds with horrible side effects… a chronic joint pain relief remedy has been hard to find. I have done hair for over 25 years, was a gymnast in my youth and have … Continued

Lose Menopause Belly Flab

Posted: June 11, 2017

If you are a woman over 39, then I’ll bet if you look down, you’ve got a little “extra padding” around your middle. Most any woman that I know wishes they had a trick so that they could lose menopause belly flab quickly. I struggled with everything from hormone imbalances, to a thyroid disorder that … Continued

Flatten Your Bloated Menopause Belly

Posted: May 31, 2017

If you are a woman over 40, then chances are, you are feeling like your bellyfat will never budge. If you’d like to flatten your bloated Menopause belly, but don’t want to starve or workout for hours, keep reading. I was a cardio maniac in my youth, sometimes running on a treadmill for hours daily. … Continued

Obesity’s Hidden Causes

Posted: May 31, 2017

Obesity. Have you stepped on a scale lately? Most likely if you are a woman over 35….you weigh yourself every day. What you don’t know when you weigh yourself, is that obesity’s hidden causes are lurking in your life. In your kitchen. In your workouts, and in your hormones. However…the great news is that YOU … Continued

Reducing Joint Pain and Inflammation

Posted: May 23, 2017

Joint pain and inflammation can be debilitating and frustrating. If you are someone that loves to be active, being sidelined with pain can be downright depressing. From knees, to elbows…fingers and all over aches and pains…inflammation hurts. Reducing joint pain and inflammation is now easier than ever before, thanks to one simple step daily! Arthritis … Continued

Menopause Belly Flab

Posted: May 15, 2017

Every woman over 40 worries about what will happen to her body as menopause gets closer. They wonder about menopause belly flab, and if it will become troublesome. Even the girls that lead the healthy and fit lives are not prepared for what happens to some during menopause. From that tired feeling, to wrinkles and … Continued

3 Women’s Ageless Energy Tips

Posted: May 14, 2017

On Mother’s Day, I want to send love and energy out to every mother that works hard to make a life happier. Here are 3 Women’s Ageless Energy Tips so that you can wake up refreshed and feel great no matter what your age. Women are taking on the job of caregiver, lover, friend and … Continued

Cancer Causing Foods

Posted: February 27, 2017

Cancer. The single word that has affected more people than any word that I can think of. Instead of searching for answers on how to “treat” cancer…I believe that we should devote more time searching for Cancer Causing Foods so that we can PREVENT cancer. We live in a society that is undernourished but overfed. … Continued

Ageless Body Secrets

Posted: February 20, 2017

Is it possible to feel as if you are aging “backwards”? I say YES! In my digital book 7 Minute Ageless Body Secrets, I have given women over 40 a second chance at a sexy, lean, firm and fit body. With follow along workouts that can be done at home, that only take 7 minutes…you … Continued

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