Eating fat to lose fat

Posted: January 8, 2019

Are you still not sure about adding MORE fats to your diet to lose weight? Were you raised in the times that I was, and followed all of the “low-fat” diets thinking that was eating healthy? I know that the idea of eating fat to lose fat seems too good to be true right? Let … Continued

Misconceptions about Healthy Fats

Posted: January 6, 2019

If you are like most of the people reading this, you are STILL confused about fats. We have so much knowledge at our fingertips now that our past misconceptions about healthy fats need to be put to rest. We need fats to live. We need to limit our intake of sugar and starchy processed carbs … Continued

Confused about eating fats?

Posted: July 9, 2018

Are you still confused about eating fats? Are you even sure if eating healthy fats is good? Or, are you still stuck in the old mindset from years and years ago that has your brain in “lockdown” and you just can’t buy into that fats are SUPER healthy? I know. It took me a while … Continued

Paleo Friendly Gluten Free Fat Loss Meals

Posted: September 4, 2016

Paleo friendly? Are you wondering what that means? Well, for me, it means that I don’t follow any named diet 100%. I however do follow Paleo friendly and “nearly” gluten free for energy, for fat loss and to stay healthy inside. I am a realist. I know that it is nearly impossible as a gym … Continued

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