Reverse Age Related Weight Gain

Posted: March 22, 2018

We all age. But how we age is what matters. Are you setting your body up for continual fat gain as you age? Or, are you preparing for a long and strong future? I have a secret that I want to share. A plan to reverse age related weight gain so that you can move into … Continued

Low Thyroid and Menopause

Posted: January 30, 2018

Having low thyroid or “hypothyroidism” is hard enough to deal with. However, women going through Menopause that have either been diagnosed or not yet diagnosed…seem to struggle. My mother was diagnosed when she was in her 30’s and took the only thing known back then. Synthroid. Unfortunately, even though she battled hormonal issues, chronic fatigue, … Continued

Metabolic Breakthrough Rebalances Hormones

Posted: January 21, 2018

Hey girlfriends, (guys you can also read this) You have no idea what we have done to ourselves for years with the hopes of having tight and energized bodies and lean curves! We have made mistakes (I used to) and we keep on doing what does NOT work. You don’t need hours of exercise. You don’t … Continued

Why diets don’t work…and what does.

Posted: December 12, 2017

If you are a woman over 30, you most likely have tried  “diets” in your lifetime. Possibly you lost weight. Most likely you gained it back. This article is to help you navigate the frustration of nutrition and help you understand why diet’s don’t work…and what does. You know that rack of clothes that says … Continued

Hormones, Aging and Weight Gain

Posted: December 10, 2017

Is it hormones, or your diet? Is it Menopause or just age? Hormones, Aging and Weight Gain definitely go hand in hand. However, there are things that you can do to prevent gaining more weight, and most likely some things that you are doing that are putting more of it on. I used to do … Continued

Cellulite Myths and Cellulite Solution

Posted: November 9, 2017

According to the American Journal of Dermatology 90% of women suffer from cellulite, A.K.A… “orange peel skin ”…Nearly every woman regardless of weight has some degree of cellulite. I want to share with you, some Cellulite Myths and Cellulite Solutions to rid your body of unsightly lumps and bumps.   It’s completely normal, yet these … Continued

Age Related Weight Gain

Posted: September 18, 2017

Last night I had a conversation with a group of men and women that are going on diets.! It ended up being an eye-opener for a lot of the couples, especially the women. You see, age related weight gain is NOT the same for men as it is for women. Women are more apt to … Continued

Declining Brain Function

Posted: September 8, 2017

For Americans over 50, the most ominous threat looming in their health future is without a doubt declining brain function. …from occasional struggles with recall all the way to full-blown dementia. It’s terrifying to imagine losing your ability to comprehend the world around you, watching your memories slip away until you finally don’t recognize even your closest … Continued

Final Fat Meltdown – Weight Loss that Lasts

Posted: August 13, 2017

Yo-Yo dieting is still, unfortunately very common. Women over 40 are the largest dieting group on the planet looking for a “fat meltdown” plan for life. No wonder the weight loss industry spends billions of dollars annually trying to sell gimmicks, pills, potions and fads to us…we buy them!. If all you had to do … Continued

3 Tips to Fix Your Broken Diet

Posted: August 8, 2017

Diet. Why is it that this negative word comes out of every woman’s mouth at some point in their lifetime? Not only at some point, but repeatedly. From the time we are in our pre-teens, messages come into our lives that our bodies are not good enough”. This sets us up for a lifetime of … Continued

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