Preventing the Loss of Muscle

Posted: March 22, 2023

As we age, one of the surest ways to predict injury in the aged is the loss of muscle mass.  And the best way to live with vitality is by preventing the loss of muscle mass. With the loss of muscle mass, we are weaker, and are more prone to have dead muscle in our glutes. … Continued

This is responsible for rapid aging

Posted: July 3, 2022

By the time you are 60, most people have lost 30% of their lean muscle mass. This is responsible for rapid aging, weakness, falls, and weight gain. The most metabolically active tissue on your body is your muscle. It is what keeps us looking firm and young, and also keeps your metabolism working as it … Continued

Benefits of Protein Powder

Posted: November 6, 2020

A healthy diet should keep you stronger, more energized, ward off disease and above all…make you feel great! Of course we want to be vital and look good at all ages too. In today’s post, I will cover the Benefits of Protein Powder and help you understand why it could be a game-changer to your … Continued

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