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Thyroid Factor – Blueprint to Wellness

Posted: January 2, 2018

Did you know that women are 5-8 Times more likely to suffer from Thyroid disease than men? It took me years to be diagnosed as I was told my numbers were “on the fence.” After researching, questioning medical authority, and digging deep into integrative health, I finally got relief. I then put together with an internet publishing team, The Thyroid Factor – Blueprint to Wellness.

If you have unexplained fatigue, hair loss, weight gain despite your best efforts and hormonal imbalances. You are just like me. When you tell your doctor you feel like something is wrong…does she listen and ask more questions? Or, did you get the sentence that I got? “You’re older now, and things start to fall apart.” Really?

I own a gym, have been into stellar nutrition for years, and my weight never changed. Well, at least since I dropped a lot of it in my 30’s. So, when all of a sudden, I’m pulling over to take a nap for an hour in a parking lot, and, I gained 12 pounds in 6 weeks…I knew SOMETHING was wrong and my body was taking over.

If this feels like something familiar to you, then please click the link below and see if maybe you can benefit from the blueprint that I put together to help you.

This blueprint has questions to ask your doctor, and what thyroid numbers mean. It has tips and triggers that might affect you greatly before you make things worse.

Thyroid disease is a very complicated issue. However, there are many things that you can do to get your body to heal and replenish lost energy, lost hair and get your life back starting today!


Sharing ways for women to achive optimal health and wellness at any age!



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