Hormones are responsible for weight gain in many women. After 40, it seems that our bodies belong to someone else. Thyroid related weight gain can even be worse.
The thyroid gland is very complex. Thyroid disease affects 5-8 X more men than women. It is responsible for our body temperature, our moods, our energy levels and more.
I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism nearly 17 years ago. This didn’t come easy. I had nearly all of the symptoms, and my mom was diagnosed when she was 40. However, my doctor “profiled” me and said my numbers were “not that bad!”
My energy levels would be high, then I would crash. When I say crash, I mean I’d pull over in a parking lot after taking my son to middle school!
Certain foods made my stomach feel horrible. What was I going to do when I had been healthy just a few years before?
No doctor would listen. Research became my full-time job and that’s when I finally found peace.
From cutting edge integrative practices to conventional methods…I created a folder of tips and tools. Not only tips and tools, but questions and answers to what was never offered to me.
That’s when I became an expert for friends, family, and even my new doctor. She actually asked me if she could copy my findings and give to patients!

Thyroid related weight gain is only a part of what women are frustrated about.
Fatigue and depression, brain fog and mood swings could be plaguing you. Hair loss and slack skin…constipation and poor digestion may be contributing to your unhappiness.
I created THE THYROID FACTOR as a blueprint for women that don’t know where to turn. From years in the field of nutrition and as a gym owner that coaches women…I knew I could help.
Take control of your body, and your hormones and be “in the know.”