Exercises to firm up your glutes

Posted: March 2, 2024

A flat, or flabby rear end or backside is one thing that makes us look older. It’s also a sure way to bad posture and poor balance as we age. From sitting too much to even too much cardio without any other type of training, our buns are getting weaker. These moves are exercises to firm up your glutes, so you can perform daily tasks as you age, AND, look decades younger!

What do I mean when I say tasks? Tasks like getting up out of a chair, walking upstairs, and simply standing up straight are all connected to a strong set of glutes.

Are you surprised that I mentioned that too much cardio can create a weaker or flatter set of buns?

The fact is that too much cardio can burn through muscle tissue if that’s the only type of training you do. Not to mention, most women who only do cardio…are ALSO the ones who follow diets, and weigh themselves every day.

Dieting and only cardio, lead to flatter rear ends, and weaker bodies that are not toned or fit.

If you are doing cardio, be sure you are adding in a strength training program as well.

When I speak of your “rear view,” it is not just your butt. It is also the muscles of your back, and the muscles in the back of your legs. These are all of the muscles that make up your posterior chain.

So, simply doing squats will not be enough, but that’s a good start!

What you’ll need to do are exercises that are compound, and engage your entire posterior chain. 

These moves are a fantastic way to get stronger and to build a body that defies aging and stays leaner, with excellent posture.

Be sure to warm up before performing any of these exercises.

Use proper form with low weights, before you move to heavier weights. 

If you feel any pain in your lower back, stop…and have your form assessed. But, don’t be afraid to go heavier!

#1. Deadlifts – This old-school exercise is one of the oldest known strength training lifts for a reason.

It engages your entire posterior chain.  And, it can be performed with a set of dumbbells or a barbell with weights.

Proper form is of the utmost importance during any lift. 

Engage your upper back by pulling your shoulders back as if pinching your shoulder blades together before this lift. Do this while in the standing position, before picking up the weights.

Be sure there is no arch or rounding in your lower back when you hinge your hips back so that you protect your spine. 

You want your back flat as you hinge back, and your gaze about 5 feet in front of you.

Keep the bar or dumbbells close to your shins as you stand. Elongate your spine at the top and squeeze your glutes.

Also, be sure that your hips are hinging back as you lower the bar against your shins to the starting position.

Next, when you get to the lowest position after you have lowered the weight, drive through the ground with your heels, as you push your hips forward to the standing and starting position with your spine elongated and glutes tight.

Perform a warm-up set with light weights to perfect your form. 

Add heavier weights when you can execute this move perfectly, and you are comfortable with more weight.

This move targets all of the muscles of the back, but especially hits the glutes and hamstrings. This is great when done correctly, for strengthening and firming the lower back, and the glute-ham tie-in, where the bottom of your glutes hits the top of the back of your legs!

You’ll feel that you’ve engaged every muscle in your body and backside –  if done with enough reps and enough weight. 

This move is one that will surely reshape even the flattest and weakest glutes.

Step by step instructions: Lie on your back on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. (A) Now brace your core, squeeze your glutes, and raise your hips so your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees (B)

#2. Hip Thrusters – This move is great for new beginners and advanced exercisers. 

If you have tight hip flexors or lower back pain, this is a great move. It can be done with bodyweight and higher reps to target the hips, hamstrings, glutes, and hip flexors. 

You can add a resistance band over the top of your knees to make the exercise more difficult. Make sure you press your knees outward at the top of the thrust.

Lay on your back with your feet close to your glutes and with knees bent.

Drive through your heels as you press your hips upward towards the ceiling, and squeeze the glutes at the top without arching your back.

Aim for about 10 reps, then rest and repeat up to three times. 

 #3. Goblet Squats – This move is great for overall conditioning, leg strength, and glute power. It is a tough exercise, but packs a lot of results, and is a great way to get stronger, and firmer fast!

Start by holding a dumbbell or a kettlebell against your chest with elbows bent, and palms facing towards each other.

With feet slightly wider than hips and toes pointed slightly outward, slowly squat by hinging hips back until your quads are parallel to the floor. Be sure not to bend forward as you are lowering. Keep your chest up.

Immediately come back to the top by driving through your feet, and pushing your hips forward. Do this as you elongate your spine, and squeeze your glutes at the top of the lift.

Although this targets the front of the legs –  it hits the inner thighs, and the glutes, making it a powerhouse of an exercise when done with heavy weights.

 All of these exercise moves can be done separately or in combination with other exercises.

The harder the challenge imposed on the muscles, the more likely they are to get firmer, and stronger –  and help you boost your metabolic rate fast!

A body that is strong and youthful, and has a great shape, is a combination of factors including:

Eating for energy, staying dedicated to a program, and of course, adding in strength training to ward off aging to feel powerful and vital!

And ladies… 

Don’t be afraid to lift heavy. YOU WILL NOT GET TOO BIG as you do NOT have enough testosterone to grow really big muscles. I promise! 😉

Add these exercises to firm up your glutes, and see how great you’ll feel and look FAST!

Want a starter program to get firm fast? CLICK HERE FOR MY FOLLOW-ALONG VIDEO PROGRAM YOU CAN DO AT HOME 😉

Coaching you to be your best,


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