Chemical Free skincare for women

Posted: July 21, 2024

Your skin is your body’s biggest organ. That means that every skincare item you put ON your skin, goes INTO your body. That’s why I choose chemical free skincare for women. There are so many chemicals in skincare, that most of them create exactly what you don’t want to see. What you do want in … Continued

Raise your metabolism after menopause

Posted: June 9, 2024

If you have gone through menopause and gained weight, you are not alone. As we age, hormones seem to take over. But if you want to raise your metabolism after menopause then you came to the right place. First, let’s talk about a few things that have changed. Ladies, this does not mean you need … Continued

How to lose belly fat over 40

Posted: June 5, 2024

After coaching women for 30+ years, and seeing the mistakes women make, I am here to help. I am going to give you 5 tips on how to lose belly fat over 40, that work. First of all, stop doing only cardio and counting calories. Women seem to obsess about what they are not allowed … Continued

How to Age with Vitality and Power

Posted: May 1, 2024

Most people are afraid to age or don’t want to think about living to 100. The reason is they don’t want to be in a nursing home or have people take care of them. Today, I am going to give you tips, and tools on how to age with vitality and power! As a 60+ … Continued

How to Re-Shape Your Body after 40

Posted: April 29, 2024

If you are female and getting close to mid-life, then you know, it’s getting harder and harder to feel, move or look good. I’m going to give you all of the tools you need today. The first one will be How to Re-Shape your Body after 40. The struggle is real. But it’s only real … Continued

Lose weight and keep it off

Posted: March 3, 2024

Most women have lost weight at some point in their lives. However, if whatever trendy diet they used worked, they’d never need a new one right? The point is not just to lose weight right? The goal is to lose weight and keep it off. I’m going to show you how. As a fitness professional, … Continued

Exercises to firm up your glutes

Posted: March 2, 2024

A flat, or flabby rear end or backside is one thing that makes us look older. It’s also a sure way to bad posture and poor balance as we age. From sitting too much to even too much cardio without any other type of training, our buns are getting weaker. These moves are exercises to firm … Continued

Firm and tone with 7-minute routines

Posted: February 19, 2024

Who has time to drive to a gym, and workout for an hour? Let alone, do you even know what to do other than go on the treadmill? If you are over 40, then you probably feel flabby, and like you need to lose weight. I want to make your life easy, and share with … Continued

How to flatten your belly

Posted: February 19, 2024

Ever wonder how many crunches those people with flat and firm abs do to get them that way? Usually none. I’m going to give you the tips and tools on how to flatten your belly so you never do another sit-up again. A flatter belly comes from what you eat, and what you omit, also…whether … Continued

Anti-aging practices for women

Posted: February 18, 2024

No woman wants to look or feel older. Of course, we all want another birthday – but we don’t want to appear any that we are aging. Among women, anti-aging seems to become a common conversational topic. Anti-aging practices for women are on the rise, and there is no shortness of gimmicks that don’t work. … Continued

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