Weight loss. If you are like most people, your New Years Resolution has something to do with weight loss. That is where your plans might fail. Weight loss isn’t fat loss. Furthermore, if you don’t plan right, you might only lose weight, which could be water, and muscle…the last thing you want. Today I will give you 3 Strategies for Permanent Weight Loss. Simple. Do-able steps…that will change how you look at re-shaping your body and keeping the weight off forever!
- Change your mindset. Think of eating for energy. Eating foods without a label, and losing fat…not weight.
When we focus on a “strict diet’ or fad, we obsess about what we can’t have instead of the hundreds of foods that can fill your plate, AND your belly, while you drop excess flab.
2. Stop exercising so much, and forget cardio only exercise.
If you exercise for hours at a time, or do only cardio, you could be setting your body up to “hold onto fat”. Too many hours of exercise produces Cortisol…the belly fat hormone. Spend time doing functional strength training moves that use every muscle in your body at the same time. This creates a more efficient system that torches fat calories for hours AFTER you are done working out. This is known as the “afterburn”
3. Cut out sugar.
This means real sugar, and sugar substitutes.
Anything that isn’t a protein, healthy fat, fruit or vegetable is going to be stored as fat. If you are always hungry, you are NOT eating enough of the right foods. If you “love” sweets and crave them, this is because you have turned your body into a “carbaholic.”
Most people can lose weight easily, but never seem to be able to keep it off. That used to be me. That is exactly why I created my digital product of follow along workout videos that will sculpt your body, AND a meal plan, with recipes and a grocery list that you can live on. Real food. Real tasty food that will never seem like a “diet”.
This plan will guarantee that the weight will not only come off, but will stay off. Better yet? You will be ahead of all of your friends when you take advantage of the plan NOW, and forget making New Years the time to get on board with permanent weight loss.
Click on the link here and say > GIVE ME THE TOOLS TO PERMANENT WEIGHT LOSS TODAY!
Sharing ways for us to live long and strong in a lean and sexy body…at any age!
Coach Dawn
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