If you’re over 40 and trying to lose age-related weight gain…read on. Outdated old school science told us to exercise more, do more cardio, and drastically cut calories.
Unfortunately, there are still only a few that are up to date on the most “important” findings in exercise science and nutrition. Actually, most doctors STILL tell their patients to eat less and walk for weight loss.
The truth is that you couldn’t get worse advice. Exactly why you should read my story HERE about how I nearly sabotaged my metabolic rate.
If you are over 30, you are already on the path to losing muscle, which means a slower metabolic rate.
If you are cutting fats, then you are also losing brain power, energy levels and getting weaker every year. Not to mention sabotaging your precious hormonal levels.
And, if you have been dieting and doing the wrong exercises for years, you could have put your body into a state of resistance to weight loss. This is why your scale is stuck.
The scary part is that you could be in the early stages of what is making you resistant to weight loss. Also, aging you quicker, and setting you up for a lifetime of fatigue and weakness.
With toxic food, air, and soil, and processed meals everywhere, who eats the way they should?
The news tells us that the most favorite method of exercise, is still walking. Most likely because we are too tired to do anything that involves our muscles.
There is where the problem lies with an aging body! This is the key as to WHY you are experiencing age-related weight gain.
Muscle is the only tissue on your body responsible for keeping you strong. It keeps you firm, and lean, with a core that keeps your posture erect. It is also what keeps your metabolic rate running on high, even when you are sitting doing nothing.
Yes, you read that right. When you have more muscle on your frame, you burn calories even while you are resting, watching TV, or even sleeping!
The sad truth is that if you are not building your muscles with some form of strength training, and are over 35, you are aging faster. You are also getting weaker and are setting your body up for quick and lasting FAT STORAGE.
It isn’t that you need to exercise more though. Updated research shows that those long hours in the gym are not only unnecessary, they are dangerous.
As we age, we can actually harm our thyroid, our hormonal balance, and our hearts if we exercise too strenuously, or for too long.
Not to mention ending up with injuries to do the repetitive nature of most trendy exercise clubs.
This constant stress on our bodies from extreme exercise or fad diets can actually throw your adrenals into “shock.” This can actually turn off the balance that your body seeks to age properly.
So, how do we lose weight after 30 or 40, and firm up our bodies without extreme diets and cardio? How do we take control of the aging process and do what is smart, and effective?
Science now shows that short periods of exercise are more beneficial, and slow down the aging process, making this type of workout more effective than any anti-aging tool around!
Read what you need below to have a leaner, stronger body that resists age-related weight gain below:
Short exercise sessions, with the proper movement patterns as the ones in the 7 Minute Ageless Body Secret plan provide numerous benefits:
- Strengthening the lower back and preventing injuries.
- Promoting a raised metabolic rate, making weight loss easy.
- Promoting balance, better posture, a flatter belly, and a firmer body.
- Releasing a surge of anti-aging hormones that are responsible for slowing down the aging process.
- Raising “feel good” endorphins and chemicals in your brain that contribute to a positive outlook, better sleep, higher sex drive, and more confidence. (all the things associated with youth!)
Forget hours in the gym that can potentially lead to harming hormones, joints and wasting muscle.

Click here to discover your 7 Minute Ageless Body Secret. Your plan to age your body backwards so you can look younger than you did a decade ago!
Sharing ways for us to live long and strong in bodies we love for life at EVERY age!
p.s. If you want more tips and tools on how to cut through the BS, and get results…enter your email above and get instant access to my FREE REPORT.