If you are still wondering if it matters whether you do, or don’t exercise, think again. The physiological benefits are many. That is if you want to live a full, vital, strong life, with good lung capacity, and with less chance of disease.( let alone ending up in a nursing home due to a fall.)
Exercise if done regularly can increase the number of blood vessels, lower your resting heart rate, increase your blood volume, and keep your linings free of corrosive materials. You can reduce levels of hyperacidity, which can cause or upset ulcers. You can keep your bones, your tendons, and ligaments strong, by placing a demand on them regularly, that will keep them supple, and nourished into your old age. When muscles, are strengthened, and challenged, and the surrounding tissues (tendons, and ligaments)are having a continuous blood flow thru them, you stay stronger. Strength is EVERYTHING in aging. If you are using your muscles now, and placing a demand on them regularly……..you will stay strong, and can actually keep getting stronger!! You will have better balance, sleep better, have a fulfilling sex life, and look younger! How many of us looks at the hunched over elderly person, that is weak, and frail, and says “I don’t ever want that to be me”? Well, what are you doing about it? GET OFF YOUR ASS, OFF YOUR COUCH, FORGET YOUR “FAVORITE” SHOW, AND USE IT, OR LOSE IT!!
Trust me, you will lose it. It is inevitable, that if you don’t challenge your muscles(including the big one, your heart) now, the only thing that will be a challenge to you later is LIVING, MOVING, AND BREATHING!
p.s. Your health care practitioner will be happy to give you an exam and tell you if you are in danger of disease, or well on your way to 100 years old…………..but I bet you already know!!
Go to MichiganKettlebells.com for class info, dates, rates, trainer background (my awesome husband Craig) and coming soon, strength training/weight loss bootcamps for women! (by me!)