Posted: July 12, 2012

Athletic people know, breakfast is the beginning of their powerful athletic day. If you skip breakfast, or eat something sub par, or “quick” you lose. You lose muscle, you lose energy, you lose motivation. Brain power, is where it all starts. You need to feed your brain, before you can feed your muscles!  Start with these easy, amazingly tasty Power Pancakes. Your kids will even think you gave them something dessert like, for breakfast!

Power Pancake

3/4 Cup organic pancake mix (dry, in organic food section)
3 Scoops SunWarrior (Vanilla or Natural) Warrior Blend Protein Powder (order from top of this site)
2 eggs
1 egg white
1 T. Flax Oil
2 T. Ground Flax Seeds
2T. Ground Chia Seeds
1/2 cup organic blueberrys
1/2 cup So Delicious Vanilla Coconut Non Dairy Milk (Found in organic dairy section)

Blend til mixed lightly…….don’t over blend, leave a bit lumpy
Pour onto heated lightly sprayed pancake griddle. Flip when bubbles appear on top, and edges are browned.

Top with blueberries and a dollop of plain greek yougurt!
(Add chopped bananas, strawberries, and walnuts if you like!)

High Protein, good source of carbs, and healthy fats, and fiber.

Awesome way to start your day, and head off to a great workout!!

Keep breakfast one of your top priorities!!


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