We are obsessed with the scale and what we weigh. Nearly everyone that gets on a scale follows some form of a trendy diet to lose weight. I am going to be speaking of eating for energy, instead of weight loss.
Eating for energy is how to live a long and strong life, while warding off disease and preparing your body for the future.

When we only focus on a caloric total, we can still sneak in foods that make us feel guilty and sabotage our goals. Now on the other hand, if we focus on eating tasty foods that support weight loss…we stay away from words like “cheat” and “sneak.”
Eating for energy is when you deliberately choose from a variety of foods that raise the metabolism and balance hormones. When you pick foods from nature, your body will respond well. When you pick a diet by only the foods you omit…you obsess about what you can’t have.
I am a fan of coaching people to “eat for what they’ll be doing next.” If you are cross country skiing all day, you need more calories and more carbs. If you’re binge-watching movies on the couch and stuck in a snowstorm, you need fewer carbs and fewer calories.
Superfoods with Supernutrients are the plan I follow, and you can access what I do to stay fit by CLICKING HERE! (you cannot out exercise a poor diet, so eating right is KEY!)
Sure, there are a few well know diets out there right now. But I ask you this. How can ONE diet be good for everyone all of the time…forever? Don’t our needs change? Don’t our hormones change? Aren’t we more active at certain times of our lives, and more sedentary at others?
Tired of cutting out entire food groups, and too tired to exercise? Chances are you’re undernourished. It’s time to start adding in foods that you need to be fitter, and more energized.
Coaching women is my passion. I have tried to rid the words “diet” and “tone” from all of my
I’ve also spent 2 decades coaching women to eat more, and exercise less!
Every day is not the same. If you hit a plateau in a diet, or with an exercise routine, that simply means that your body has adapted. Time to shake things up with either more calories, heavier weights…or BOTH!
If you want tips on how to shift your way of thinking about food, exercise, anti-aging, and how to approach them, enter your email and be part of my inner circle.
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Sharing ways for us to live long and strong in bodies we love at any age!
“Coach” Dawn