After 40, it seems our bodies hate us. Especially if we are female, right?Over 40 Fat loss seems impossible.
When we rely on the methods that used to work… we get stuck. We must adapt to a new way of eating, AND a new way of exercise.
Doing hours of cardio? You are not alone. If you keep omitting food groups, then most likely you are too tired to exercise as well. This is SO common and even harder to get women to break this old school habit and way of looking at change.
Are you watching the excess flab pile up around your belly and you’re embarrassed? I know. I only coach women over 40. I have heard the complaints when they come in.
However, for me…it isn’t a mystery why they cannot lose weight.
Over 40 Fat loss is a different animal. Therefore you have to know what steps to take if you are female over 40 and want to look sexy again!

I used to exercise for hours and cut out a lot of food groups. I finally came to my senses after having a REAL look at how our bodies change after 40.
Our hormones require a lot of different methods to keep them balanced. Sometimes…too much exercise can backfire by depleting the only thing that keeps our metabolic rate on fire.
We can also cause our metabolic rates to a stop by not eating enough.
When we do that…we see the fat pile up, and our clothes get too tight. Our trouble spots are more prominent than ever and we lose our sex drive.
It is not the end of your youth!
CLICK HERE IF YOU ARE OVER 39…and your body is starting to change.
I’ve been coaching thousands of women online, and in person for 20+ years.
There’s a reason I am a sought after expert in female over 40 fat loss!
If you like what you’re reading, then add your email to the top of this page and get an instant download on how to increase your energy and flatten your belly in 7 days!
Coach Dawn
P.s. If you suffer from digestive distress and other conditions that cause the weight to stay on…it could be your Gut. Join me in the free SLIM GUT SUMMIT when you register for free here!