Getting Fit After 40 – A Guide for Women

Posted: September 29, 2023

Most women start to notice major changes in their bodies after the age of 40. Even if you’ve jogged regularly, and watched what you eat, your body may seem to store more fat. Getting fit after 40 does not have to be a challenge. Here are some tips, facts, and tools that will help you look, move, and feel better than you have in years.

I’m a female wellness coach, and have coached women over 40, for three decades! As a gym owner, and woman who is well past fifty, I know what the struggles are. And, I see the mistakes women make when trying to change their shapes.

Below, I will give you a few reasons, and some tools that you can use starting today. These tools will help you prevent muscle loss, boost your metabolic rate, an help you get firm again.

First, let’s talk about why your efforts need to change.

Next, I’ll give you some simple doable tips, that will help you feel, and look better soon.

Why we get flabbier as we age.

As we age, we start to lose muscle at around the age of 30.

If we don’t do anything to prevent this, we will get weaker, have poor posture, and start to accumulate fat.

When we get closer to 40, if we have not done anything to shift the process of muscle loss, we may find the weight creeping up seemingly faster than we can control.

Preventing muscle loss.

Losing muscle is the exact reason your metabolism is slower. That, and a more sedentary lifestyle, combined with lower calories is why you are not as firm as you used to be.

More muscle means a faster metabolic rate, and a firmer, more youthful body. However, this does not mean you need to live in a gym!

Simple exercises that target the largest muscles on your body, can have a huge impact on whether you have a fast, or slow metabolism!

Be sure to eat enough protein. A lack of protein is a key reason why getting fit after 40 seems impossible.

The perfect combo to change your shape.

The perfect combo to a youthful body, that has a fast metabolic rate, and is firm, is to do muscle-building exercises and eat enough calories to fuel every system.

Many women cut out calories, start to walk or run, and end up miserable, tired, and flabbier. This can be prevented by eating enough of the right foods, and adding in simple workouts.

The workouts in my program are done in 7 minutes and can be done at home.

If you start this program today, within two weeks, you’ll start to see, and feel a difference. Of course, you’ll be sore a bit to start. Go slow. Your body WILL adapt and the results will come fast if you stick to it for even two weeks.

As your body gets stronger, you’ll prevent muscle loss, and build new lean muscle tissue that will be firm, and sexy.

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Click here to get access to my 7-Minute Ageless Body Secret so you can feel, move, and look younger within the next two weeks!


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