Health Information For Women over 40

Posted: September 21, 2020

There is not a single diet that is good for everyone. That is why I guide women on how to be a “diet hacker.” Health information for women over 40, is not the same as for men.

Men can eat, and should eat differently than women. Never compare yourself to men when dieting!

Many women are deficient in protein and fiber. After 20 years of doing consultations with women about their diets…I see the same common mistakes.

#1. They are short on fiber. Women need approximately 25 grams daily.

#2. Many women are lacking in protein. 1 gram of protein per lean pound of bodyweight is a good guideline, but many women come up short.

#3. Most women are missing healthy fats. A key in regulating hormones and body temperature.

#4. Dehydration is an issue for many. When you are dehydrated, you are prone to headaches, weight gain, and constipation.

These are some of the most common deficiencies I see in women that complain about weight gain, bloating, and many other “female” issues.

I have been a female fitness and fat loss coach for 25+ years. Unfortunately, I used to make all of those mistakes and spend hours doing cardio to only feel more exhausted.

My goal was to strike the word “diet” from women’s names…and to guide them.

The tools that I share in my free weekly newsletter will help you feel, move and look better.

Health information for women over 40 is simple do-able tips that create results and a lifestyle of wellness.

Add your email (that I promise I won’t share) in the spot above for access to my FREE REPORT.

In this instant download after you enter your email, you’ll get a gift from me.

This gift will be a metabolic kickstart of 7 Days to Extreme Energy that you can begin to use immediately!

Stop searching the internet for things that were written by men, and for men.

As a women’s fitness coach that’s coached ONLY women for years, I will help you shed weight and feel great.

The comfort food season is approaching and more time will be spent indoors. I’ll be there to coach you with tools that support weight loss, immunity and anti-aging.

You’ll never gain another pound and get provided with tools to support weight loss sent directly to you. And, you’ll also get access to tools, tips, methods, supplements, and summits directed to help women, endorsed by me.

I’ll do the legwork, so you don’t have to search “Dr. Google.”

I promise to help you while you fight disease, live with vitality and look great at every age forward.

Consider me your private “online” coach,


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