Most women try dieting and cardio when they feel the extra weight creeping up. They count calories and skip meals. And, then they either take up walking and/or running to burn off stored calories. I’m going to show you how to tighten and tone after 40 so that you can never follow a trendy diet again.
When I was in my 30’s I followed male trainers advice. I exercised more, ate less and was miserable.
I kept doing this as I followed all of the trendy diets. I was cutting out fats, not eating after 7, punishing my body’s joints with the treadmill, and never seeing results. Actually, what I saw was more flab and less energy.
My hormones started to get wacky. I was constantly exhausted, and I was up another pants size.
Now, as a gym owner, and women’s fitness coach, I see where the mistakes are still made. Why are we still listening to old-school thoughts and methods?
Have you ever wondered why your guy can lose weight so fast? It’s because he has more muscle on his body.
The key to how to tighten and tone after 40, is not another trendy diet. It’s also not going to make you feel older.
In fact, I created a program that you can do at home. This program will re-shape your body and is based on metabolic movement patterns.
The order of the movements in this program is what is going to shift your body from a fat-storing body, to a fat-burning one! No joint pounding cardio, and definitely, no starving!
Actually, there is a 21 Day Ageless Energy Meal Plan that goes with my workouts. Eating for energy is the key to doubling your results with the short metabolic movement program.
Imagine exercising for minutes daily in your living room and seeing your body looking slimmer and tighter in less than two weeks?
I’m well over 50, and still wear a bikini. You’ll see how much I changed my body when you click this link and see my before and afters!
Are you aware that too many diets and too much exercise is actually bad for you? It makes your joints hurt, and depletes the only metabolic tissue on your body. It also makes you look older than your years. By adding in a small amount of lean muscle, you’ll boost your metabolic rate fast!

If you are ready to take control back of your aging body, then click here to feel and look younger than you have in years!