When the words virus or sickness come to mind, we usually don’t think of pretty colors that keep us thriving. But why not? The nutrients in immune boosting juices will keep you feeling, moving and looking great.
The nutrient density of produce when juiced is second to none! These powerful colors are there for a reason!
Hippocrates said way before his time “Let Food be thy Medicine.” Unfortunately, where we get our food, what is is grown in, and what it is fed is what is killing us.
Not to mention that nearly every one of us is deficient in the nutrients we need to boost immunity, let alone ward off cancer.
There’s also the part of eating out and not knowing what we are really eating…and processed foods, chemicals, additives, sprays and pesticides that add to our cells getting sick.
Juicing has been around for centuries, and for good reason.
Fresh juice from vegetables and fruits has healing powers.
Not only do they taste great and have the ability to kill certain cancer cells, detoxify, revitalize and hydrate…
Freshly pressed or squeezed juice gets absorbed into our blood stream IMMEDIATELY WITH HEALING POWERS because they don’t have to be digested!!
Sure fiber is good when you are eating vegetables and fruits, but for a POWERFUL CANCER KILLING AND IMMUNE FIGHTING REMEDY…Be sure to add in juicing daily to prevent illness and boost immunity.
If you don’t want to pay the BIG money at the juice bars….then grab your veggies and your fruits and throw them into your blender! I also buy frozen organic ginger cubes in the freezer section at my grocery store and add one to every batch for another way to boost immunity and help with digestive issues.
Here are a couple of combinations that are STELLAR! Oh, and by the way…don’t turn your nose up for one second! Get used to what fresh greens and a LITTLE bit of fruit taste like.
It’s amazing how many adults still tell me they are not fond of many veggies…I kind of want to say “time to grow up!” but I don’t.
All you will need is a blender and you’ve got yourself a drink that is better than a trip to the doctor for sure!
Here are a few ideas that anyone can make and drink to energize, boost immunity and feel great!
Apples n Greens
Combine: 1 peeled and cored apple, 1/2 cup spinach, 2 stalks celery, 1 cucumber, juice of one lemon, 1 1/2 cups of filtered water, 1 cube ginger – optional… BLEND IN BLENDER AND ENJOY!
Tangy Lemon-Lime Detoxifier
Combine: Juice of one lemon and one lime, 2 carrots, peeled, 1 small bunch parsley, 1 bunch baby kale, 1 1/2 cups filtered water, 1 cube ginger – optional …BLEND IN BLENDER AND ENJOY!
Sweet n Green Combo
Combine: 1 1/2 cups filtered water, 1 peeled and cored pear, 1 small bunch spinach, 2 carrots, peeled, .. BLEND IN BLENDER AND ENJOY!
Berries N Greens Energy Booster
Combine: 1 1/2 cups water, 1/2 cup strawberries, 1 small bunch spinach, 2 stalks of celery, juice of one lemon… BLEND IN BLENDER AND ENJOY!
Now more than ever is the time to do everything possible to boost health, detoxify your body naturally and STAY out of the doctors office!
EATING FROM THE RAINBOW is one of your best tools to the best YOU!
Don’t forget to add your email above (promise I won’t share!) to get instant access to your immune boosting, energizing download and FREE REPORT! (so that you can ward off viruses, slim down and boost energy at a cellular level!)
With love and healing power,
Coach Dawn