Each birthday it seems harder to stay in shape. It seems that everything goes downhill with your body, and a lean belly over 40 is nearly impossible, right?
It’s hard to belive this story when you click on the link below of my friend Karen… and what she and her husband faced years ago.
News can crush us at times in our lives and we think we will never be able to cope.
A single phone call can seem to literally take the breath and life…right out of us.
It’s amazing how simple things take on new meaning. Things we may have overlooked before are what makes us get up every day, and be grateful.
I know that these times are hard, and that family health, stress, and the chaos of the planet is what matters.
But the small things matter now too. The small things like if our clothes fit, or how we feel about ourselves can be magnified during times when we feel we have lost control.
Stress is an assault on your body that can cause internal health issues, and weight gain.
Inflammation is a killer and it is working it’s way through your body right now.

I’m sure you can understand how trivial something like what you look like…means when facing a Cancer scare. But some weight gain can put you on a path of risks. Obesity and visceral fat is not only unsightly, it is downright dangerous.
Nature works in odd ways, and she has given us gifts that sometimes work in strange ways.
From a Cancer diagnosis, to what seemed to be a gift.
Karen is not only alive now, but she feels and looks younger and better than she has in years.
You deserve to feel and look great.
Don’t wait until you feel horrible about what you look like. Click the blue link above and see how Karen got a new lease on life while looking and feeling better than she had in years!