Getting Fit Before Plastic Surgery

Posted: October 23, 2019

We all want to be lean, youthful and look great. Surgery should be the last option. However, if you decide you want some “help,” getting fit before plastic surgery is the key. Plastic surgery is loaded with options these days. It can mean a few days downtime with a laser. Or, it could mean needing … Continued

The Truth about Hollywood Cosmetic Surgery

Posted: May 16, 2019

When it comes to the red carpet…most of us want to see the clothes right? Now come on. Let’s be honest. What we really want is the truth about who looks best in Hollywood with the latest cosmetic surgery. We want to know who has done what…and we want to know the truth. As a … Continued

Is Cosmetic Surgery Right for You?

Posted: April 4, 2019

No two bodies are alike. That makes us beautiful creatures, and very unique. Celebrities parade around with perfect bodies, noses, skin and hair. Many of us wish we looked like them. You may have wondered if cosmetic surgery is right for you? From botox, to veneers, breast argumentation and flat bellies…the possibilities are endless. Walking … Continued

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