Eat Fat to Lose Fat

Posted: September 15, 2019

If you’re like most people…you’re still confused about how fat can keep you thin. It’s true and I’m going to give you access to the truth. Click here and discover how to Eat Fat to Lose Fat. I’ll bet you’re like most people that have followed at least one trendy named diet in your lifetime. … Continued

Obesity – How to lose weight permanently

Posted: January 12, 2019

We are overfed and undernourished. Why? I think it’s because we are still following outdated information. I also think that we were misled about obesity and How to lose weight permanently. Please join me in the Nobel Prize Winning Summit with 50 experts for FREE giving you the tools to lose weight permanently when you … Continued

Ketogenic Diet-Fad or Lifestyle

Posted: January 23, 2018

If you are over 50, then you have seen every diet from the Grapefruit diet to the Babyfood diet, come and go. However if you are over 30, or 40, then you’ve seen Atkins, Paleo and now the Ketogenic diet take over social media like wildfire! So now,the Ketogenic Diet you ask…Fad, or Lifestyle? Let’s … Continued

Ketogenic Diet-Thin from Within

Posted: January 17, 2018

There are a lot of buzzwords out there these days that have to do with finding the right diet. From Paleo to Atkins, Low Carb and now the Ketogenic Diet. How are we supposed to know what works?!   I personally have stated for years, “I do not follow a diet with a name.” But, … Continued

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