Take Your Health to the Next Level with Raw Plant Protein

Posted: February 17, 2014

If you want to really see a change in your health, then Sunwarrior’s Raw Plant Protein is for you. Whether you are trying to add more nutrients into your diet, or trying to add muscle, more protein is a good place to start. However, not all proteins are created equal. There are animal proteins and plant proteins. With all the up to date news out there, I am sure that you have realized that most of us do not eat enough plants. Most men eat too much animal proteins that not only have tons of fat in them, they do not all do the same things for our bodies. We need amino acids but we don’t need all of the bad things that go with consuming a diet high in animal protein.

Sunwarrior Products are a synergistic blend of optimum nutrients that you need to keep your body energized, and working like a machine. My personal favorite that is available on this site by clicking on the Sunwarrior Tab above is Warrior Blend in Vanilla. Here is a list of the properties that are in this tasty and versatile plant based protein.

Complete protein containing all essential and non essential amino acids

Increases good cholesterol/decreases bad cholesterol.

Promotes positive nitrogen retention (great for weight lifters and keeping muscle!)

Builds muscle/Burns body fat

Facilitates calcium absorption

Increases Metabolism

Easy to digest and mixes easily/Great for baking and smoothies

Promotes healthy liver function

Improves cardiovascular function

This raw-plant based protein is made from raw pea protein, raw cranberry protein, hempseed and raw coconut MCT’s

Warrior Blend Vanilla is the best in shakes and for baking! I use it in pancakes, cookie mixes, mixed with fruit and in cereal. It is non GMO, soy and gluten free, and dairy free!

Blend it in shakes that are found at Smoothie Recipes for Optimal Health

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