Cancer. The word that makes everyone cringe. Unless you are a survivor and are living a vital, strong and happy life! In the global documentary, The Truth about Cancer, your life will be changed by viewing the FREE videos and sharing them with loved ones.
Fear is the largest component of cancer. The unknown. The misinformation and the overwhelm of what to do. What to ask, who to seek help from. What if you had a source that helped you through the journey to a positive outcome?
You’d want to have this information correct?
I urge you to watch the video and be enlightened with the Global phenomenon that will change your life if you’ve ever had to hear the words “I am sorry, but it’s Cancer”. This free video series is one that I have reflected back on several times when my parents were diagnosed. Today, they are both alive and well at 83 years old, working out in our gym 2 times weekly!!
The Truth about Cancer is a documentary that swept the planet and changed lives with tips, interviews, and noteworthy information on how to prevent, eradicate and learn all you can about this devastating disease.
From the medicines and how they harm us, to the cures that have changed death sentences to miracles…this event is one to not miss.
Ty Bollinger has made it his mission in life and he has accomplished it. With his wife Charlene after losing parents to cancer. They have spent years compiling information that every person can use, whether you have been diagnosed or not. This information is something I have reflected back on many times.
Sign up now for free and watch this video and see how you can take the fear away by adding in the knowledge that anyone at any level can understand.
Knowledge is power, but taking action is where lives are saved and changed every day!
See you at the Summit!