Transform Your Body for Spring in 30 Days

Posted: March 20, 2014

Is it possible to transform your body for Spring in 30 Days? Of course it is. You see, my idea of “getting ready” is to start with a plan. I love a checklist. I love even more, crossing things off of the checklist. So, for me, getting my body ready for Spring is fun. I am going to give you a 30 day checklist that you can actually use ANY month. Each number represents a day. You can use these tips any day, but start out with printing this off and using it as your 30 day checklist so you can see and feel your body begin to transform. Spring is the time for renewal, so a great time to start is NOW!

1. Start with a breakfast geared towards detoxifying. I also do this every Monday, since the weekends are usually a little rough when it comes to a clean diet. I use a smoothie from my e-book, Smoothie Recipes for Optimal Health which you can download and print.

2. Grocery shop. The best way to a healthy body is to  have healthy foods on hand at all times.  Shop today for fresh fruits and vegetables to add to smoothies, and healthy foods to prepare for lunches during the week. This will prevent making poor food choices, or even worse…not eating lunch.

3.  Pack lunch for the next day. Next, put food into containers that are easy to see into. Grilled chicken. Tuna. Cut up veggies. Hummus. String cheese. Ezekiel bread. My Smoothie Book also has  a “Grocery List for Life” as a bonus gift!

4. Work out either doing a circuit style workout that really gets you sweating in your gym, or do intervals of jumping rope/bodyweight squats and push ups for a total of 30 minutes. Intense, short, and gets blood pumping. Do a workout like this every 2-3 days. Trade off with old school strength training moves like squats, deadlifts, and chest presses for lifelong strength and to really transform your body for Spring!

5.  Hydrate with pure water and lemon juice on a daily basis. This is great for digestion and keeps the body and all of it’s systems working. Dehydration is marked by lethargy, hunger, and headaches. Purchase a BPA free travel bottle and have water be with you at all times.

6.  Check e-mails and unsubscribe to any e-mails that you have not been interested in or have time for. The idea is to reduce “technical clutter”. Subscribe to e-mails that support a healthy lifestyle. I like Dr. Mark Hyman, and Dr. Joel Fuhrman. Sound nutritional advice for lifelong health and disease prevention.

7.  Send reply e-mails 1st thing every morning. Looking at a computer late at night disrupts sleep patterns studies have shown. Set a timer if you will get “stuck” on the computer doing mindless things and getting sidetrack. The idea is to start using your time wisely. Remember you are renewing yourself, which means getting rid of the old.

8.  Plan on paper or put on your smart phone calendar your commitment to working out for the week.
This can be 2 days of weights and 2 of yoga. This can be 2 bootcamp style classes, and a run. This can be 2 kettlebell workouts, yoga, and Pilates, you make the plan. The catch is to write it down. Put it in a place that you will see it every day. You are much more likely to execute a plan if you write it down. Fact!

9. Go through closets and drawers. Get rid of any clothes/shoes/purses that you have not used or worn in 2 years. Unless it is “special occasion or nostalgic” donate it. If it is seasonal, put it in a marked box for next year. Don’t save your “fat clothes” or your “skinny jeans”. When you get to your healthy and desired weight, and plan on staying there with your new lifestyle? Go shopping!!

10.  Subscribe to my newsletter on the side of this page. I send free information like this every Monday in a much smaller list of tips on fat loss, nutrition, home workouts, anti-aging tips and more!

11. Subscribe to a magazine that supports your new lifestyle. I am an avid reader of nutrition, cooking, workout and healthy living magazines. For only around $25 per year for a subscription, my favorites are Fitness RX, Oxygen for Her, Women’s Health, and Natural Health.

12. Buy new workout shoes. Old shoes do not support your feet. Your feet must be supported whether you are planning on walking, running, or doing crossfit. Get a shoe that fits your type of foot.

13.  Invest in some new comfy workout clothes. 2 pair of black workout pants, 3 or 4 tops can get  you  through months of exercise class or home workouts. No one likes to sweat without clothing that absorbs and makes you feel good.

14.  Start juicing. Besides a blender being my “can’t live without” kitchen tool, a juicer is a great way to take in nutrients and get your body energized. The Breville models from Bed, Bath and Beyond are amazing and rated the highest with consumer reports.

15.  De-Clutter your house. Vacuum, dust, clean, do floors…open windows. Cleaning like this is a great way to burn calories. “A clutter house is a cluttered mind” someone once said. When your mind is free of clutter you can focus on healthy living.

16. Enlist a friend, spouse, or co-worker in your plan. When you have someone to remain accountable to, its harder to make up excuses.

17. Download the free My Fitness Pal app for your smart phone. It is an easy way to track how many calories, what % of calories are carbs/protein and fats and how to total it up at the end of the day to make sure you are getting what you need.

18.  Get moving daily. I recently got the Polar Fit F7 that is a heart rate monitor, and calorie counter. A super fun toy that tells me how many calories I burned at the end of the day, or at the end of a workout. It also tells me if I am in the fat burning zone, or the fitness zone. Funny thing is, I am almost always in the fitness zone. Intense!!

19.  Ditch the word DIET. Stop saying you want to “lose weight.” Start to focus on getting stronger, eating a nutrient dense diet, and losing body fat with these two ideas. Fads, and overnight fixes or diet pills and the latest supplement that Dr. Oz talks about are not “lifestyle” changes. That is what you are going for.

20.  Take supplements that your body needs to be in optimal health. 2-3 grams of Purified, mercury free fish oil (Nordic Naturals is a great choice) for heart, brain and hormonal balance , turmeric for inflammation, D3 for mood, calcium absorption, and muscle tone, and melatonin at night for deep sleep and renewal.

21. Invest in a good protein powder. My favorite is Sunwarrior Plant Based Raw Warrior Blend (available on this site) protein powder. I use it in all of my shakes and it is great for baking as well. Most of us are protein deficient. That does not mean just eat more animal protein. Plant protein like Sunwarrior supplies all the body needs to maintain metabolism and muscle tone.

22. Yoga and or a regular stretching routine will keep you limber and flexible. Stretching after workouts will prevent a bit of soreness, and keep the blood flowing. At any age, stretching is a must when combined with a strength training program.

23.  Know where you stand with your cholesterol, your family medical history and your overall health care. If you are over 40, get prostate exams and mammograms. Most diseases and even cancers are very treatable when caught in the early stages. Be smart. Get an annual check up. Make the appointment today.

24.  Plan a “girls night out” or a “guys night out”. Take a cab. Be smart. Have fun. Connect with friends. Talk about things that inspire you (like this plan!). Keep the negative chatter out.

25.  Try a new fruit or vegetable every week. Add vegetables to as many meals as you can each day. Vegetables have enzymes that keep all cells in a prevention mode for the future. Consider vegetables your weapon against fat gain, and age related illnesses. If you don’t “like” greens and veggies, grow up! Ha ha, it is time to get out there and experiment. Go to a Whole Foods Market that has prepared veggies and try some out. I guarantee there are some out there that you will love besides green beans, and corn.

26.. Eat only organic animal protein. Dairy, meat, chicken and eggs if not organic and farm raised are loaded with toxins. The idea is to detoxify your body so that is works for you like a machine. Do not slow down it’s natural processes with invaders like antibiotics and pesticides.

27.  Eat only organic veggies and fruits. If you think you can’t afford it, you will be paying for it later on when you are in ill health. Or at the very least, look at the The Dirty Dozen – top 12 foods to avoid that are laden with pesticides.

28.  Take a before picture in a bathing suit. Post it on your fridge or your bathroom mirror. Yeah, this IS what you look like. YES, you can make a difference in 30 days. The best part is you can look AND feel better in 30 days.

29.  Just say no. While you are training your taste buds to like new foods and learn better habits, will power might not come very easily at first. Plan also to have something like a bar of dark organic chocolate in the freezer for when you want a bite of something sweet. A piece is satisfying and will not be gone quickly as it takes a moment to melt in your mouth. Not a chocolate fan? How about a frozen fruit bar that is fruit only once in a while.

30. Get a good nights sleep. Without sleep your brain will not function. Without sleep your body will not be able to repair itself and recover from your workouts. Research is now telling us that you are more apt to be overweight if you do not get at least 6-7 hours of deep sleep.

 Love yourself. You are not perfect. You are different than anyone on the planet, inside and out. You might find some of these tips super easy…and some, not so much. Keep practicing on making your health your top priority. You will reap amazing and life long benefits, and will feel better than ever for doing so.

Transform Your Body for Spring in 30 Days….give yourself habits that last a lifetime!

In wellness and strength,


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