The biggest, strongest and most powerful athletes know that to get big, you need protein. Is it an after workout meal that makes the difference? Is it the timing? Is it adding in Creatine before or after the workout that matters most? Is protein the only thing you need?
Working out puts your body into a Catabolic(tearing down) Stage. In order to rebuild, repair and recover, you need certain “ingredients” to put your body into the Anabolic(growing)Stage.
I am certified in Sports Nutrition and know that you can literally negate one of your best workouts if you don’t follow key tips immediately following an intense training session.
To receive my FREE gift to you, (as stated by the top exercise scientists to increase your strength and size up to 300%.).. enter your name and e-mail address on the side of this page.
I will send you what the biggest, strongest and most quickly recovered athletes in the business use……
Enter your name and e-mail on the side of this page>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
(unless you know your muscles just can’t get any bigger!)
Sharing the best so you can be your best,