Looking for guidelines to be leaner, with more balanced hormones, better nutrition
With over 20+ years in the field as a gym owner, women’s coach exercise and nutrition coach, I want to help you. I love to cut through the trendy diets and help women decide what will work for them. This is why I have created a women over 40 health guide and newsletter.
There are a few favorite lines that I say often. “I don’t follow a named diet, because it doesn’t have MY name on it”. “Eat for what you’ll be doing next.” And…”If you have a weak butt, the rest of you will follow”.
I am inviting you to be part of my women’s community of strong, empowered women that want to cut through the B.S. and discover the REAL cutting edge tools. Tools that help you feel alive and energized. Tools that help you sculpt and firm your body. Tools that coach you into a lifestyle…not the latest trends.
Enter your email at the top of this page to connect with me and receive your instant download and FREE REPORT of 7 Days to Extreme Energy and a Flatter Belly!
This free guide will give you the tools to kickstart a stalled metabolic rate and send your energy levels soaring. Most women are lacking energy due to missing nutrients.
Unfortunately, most diets are obsessive about removing foods instead of adding them. I coach women to do the opposite. I coach women to focus on ADDING in foods. We are overfed, but undernourished. So taking out entire food groups adds to our problems with weight gain and energy loss.
I coach women on how to eat for energy, and what exercises to use to get leaner, and look more youthful at any age. I do not prescribe hours of cardio or strict calorie cutting. Those actions can actually backfire.
Click here for access to my digital product to get you on track!
We are slaves to our hormones, and once you begin to understand that you can have some control over them, life is easier!
After years of making the most common mistakes, I found out how to shift my way of thinking so that I could get results. Results in all areas of life, from mindset to workouts, cooking to women’s health.
Please share and contact me after you enter your email above!
Coaching women to live long and strong in bodies we love at every age!
Coach Dawn