The Truth about Cancer

Posted: September 25, 2018

Cancer. The word that makes everyone cringe. Unless you are a survivor and are living a vital, strong and happy life! In the global documentary, The Truth about Cancer, your life will be changed by viewing the FREE videos and sharing them with loved ones. Fear is the largest component of cancer. The unknown. The … Continued

Cancer- Prevent, Educate and Heal

Posted: August 6, 2018

Cancer touches all of us at one point or another. From the overwhelm of the diagnosis to the fear of the next appointment. When I speak of the big “C”, I urge people to think like this. Cancer- Prevent, Educate and Heal. When we have knowledge and education, fear is reduced. When we have a … Continued

Beat Cancer without Chemotherapy

Posted: September 15, 2017

 Last spring there was a massive shift in the cancer healing community…my friend Chris Wark beat Cancer without Chemotherapy and he started a trend. A trend in finally quesitoning other options for treating cancer holistically. My friend Chris Wark released an phenomenal 10-part video series that over 150,000 people tuned in to watch for free … Continued

Heal Cancer without Chemotherapy

Posted: September 7, 2017

Over 4,600 people are diagnosed with cancer every day in the U.S. What seems scarier to me, is the treatment that most people succumb to. I often wondered if there was a way to heal cancer without Chemotherapy. Think about that earlier statistic. That’s like 3 people every minute! And it amounts to over 1.6 … Continued

Beat Cancer Without Chemo

Posted: August 31, 2017

Beat Cancer without Chemo? I hope you never need this, but someone in your life that you love might.If you or a loved one are battling cancer right now, I’ve got a powerful resource to share with you today. My friend and 13-year cancer survivor, Chris Wark put together an amazing 10-part video series called… … Continued

Cancer Causing Foods

Posted: February 27, 2017

Cancer. The single word that has affected more people than any word that I can think of. Instead of searching for answers on how to “treat” cancer…I believe that we should devote more time searching for Cancer Causing Foods so that we can PREVENT cancer. We live in a society that is undernourished but overfed. … Continued

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