Tastiest Detoxifying Greens Drink

Posted: February 26, 2017

Cleanses, green drinks and detoxes are everywhere! But…why to they all taste like mowed grass?! YUK! I will pretty much eat or drink anything in the name of health, however, even I have my limits. And it ends with green drinks. Thats why I am SO excited to share with you the Tastiest Detoxifying Greens … Continued

Belly Slimming Detox Plan for Women

Posted: December 31, 2016

With the New Year upon us, most of us are planning on change. Changing bad health habits into good ones, getting out of debt, and slimming down. With weight gain as one of the biggest issues of women over 40, a belly slimming detox plan for women is key. From hormones, to toxins, sugar and … Continued

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