Dr. Izabella Wentz – The Thyroid Secret

Posted: February 21, 2017

Thyroid issues affect over 20 million Americans, and this disease is on the rise. I want to share with you a brilliant FREE 9 part documentary from Dr. Izabella Wentz- The Thyroid Secret so that you can walk away with knowledge. I have a thyroid disorder. Hashimoto’s auto-immune thryroiditis to be exact. What does that … Continued

FREE Thyroid Secret Documentary

Posted: February 16, 2017

Are you the 1 in 3 that suffers without any help? It is said that thyroid disorders are on the rise and that Thyroid Conditions and issues are often untreated. In this >>> FREE THYROID SECRET DOCUMENTARY you will discover if, when and how to heal. Who do you turn to when your doctor says that … Continued

Hypothyroidism Exercises for Weight Loss

Posted: October 17, 2016

If you have been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism as I have, then exercise is most likely the last thing on your mind. So, hypothyroidism exercises for long term weight loss might be something new to you. It might also make you ready to click off of this page, since you are most likely too tired to … Continued

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