Skincare: Men’s Vs. Women’s

Posted: November 20, 2019

In the world of fancy potions, and antiaging methods, skincare tops the search for women and now men. However, there is a huge difference in what each of us should do. Enter the battle of the sexes once again. Skincare: Men’s Vs. Women’s. When we were in our teens, most of the girls worried about … Continued

5 Cosmetic Treatments to Avoid During Summer

Posted: June 14, 2019

Baring our skin in the warm months makes us want to be sure that we look great right? However, some skin treatments should wait. Here are 5 Cosmetic Treatments to Avoid During Summer. After certain cosmetic services, our skin becomes smoother, but it also becomes more susceptible to burning and is more fragile. Chemical peels, … Continued

Natural Face Peel for Anti-Aging Skin

Posted: July 22, 2018

Most women wish for a younger looking body, and a more youthful face that defies aging. Chemical peels and plastic surgery are on the rise, as we are looking for ways to look and feel better as we age. One of my favorite beauty practices is using a natural face peel for anti-aging skin. I … Continued

Beautycounter – Cosmetics free from harmful chemicals

Posted: May 14, 2018

Cosmetics are a wonderful way to enhance your natural beauty. Unfortunately, most ingredients used to make us prettier…can actually harm us and maybe even cause cancer. Cosmetics free from harmful chemicals are hard to find. Beautycounter stakes its reputation on being 100% transparent. In fact, in most other countries, up to 1,400 chemicals that are … Continued

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