Why Cardio Causes Slowed Metabolic Rate

Posted: February 2, 2017

Metabolism. Weight Loss. Aging. The factors that make SO many women get on the scale daily. I was a cardio maniac in my late 20’s. I did aerobics and ran, stepmill, and dance. It took me years of abuse to my system and an added 20 pounds until I understood Why Cardio Causes Slowed Metabolic … Continued

3 Strategies for Permanent Weight Loss

Posted: December 27, 2016

Weight loss. If you are like most people, your New Years Resolution has something to do with weight loss. That is where your plans might fail. Weight loss isn’t fat loss. Furthermore, if you don’t plan right, you might only lose weight, which could be water, and muscle…the last thing you want. Today I will … Continued

3 Tips to Getting Rid of Stress

Posted: July 16, 2016

Getting rid of stress is… a stressful feat. In trying to become more balanced, healthy, and calm, most of us take on more things instead of less. Getting rid of stress sometimes becomes a full time job…when actually, our jobs might be part of the problem. We need less work. We need less activity. We … Continued

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