Digestion, Absorption, and Elimination – Your keys to wellness

Posted: October 11, 2018

We used to say “you are what you eat”. Now I think it should be rephrased as “you are what you absorb”. Digestion, Absorption, and Elimination – Your keys to wellness will be covered in this post. Approximately 70-80% of our immune system function is based on the health of our gut. With chronic disease … Continued

3 Women’s Ageless Energy Tips

Posted: May 14, 2017

On Mother’s Day, I want to send love and energy out to every mother that works hard to make a life happier. Here are 3 Women’s Ageless Energy Tips so that you can wake up refreshed and feel great no matter what your age. Women are taking on the job of caregiver, lover, friend and … Continued

Weight Loss Water

Posted: February 1, 2017

Drinking water is one of the biggest components of weight loss. Or, is it? What if you kept drinking water, and you still had extra pounds showing up, even though you were exercising and eating right?. Do you know that your body could be filled with a toxic substance that prevents you from ever losing … Continued

Hypothyroid Issues Preventing Weight Loss?

Posted: January 20, 2017

Do you suspect that you have thyroid issues? Are you possibly thinking that you have hypothyroid issues preventing weight loss and your doctor doesn’t agree? Welcome to the community of women that suffer. I was told for years that my “numbers were on the low end of normal.” Even with a mother that had Hashimoto’s … Continued

Candida, Belly Bloat, Inflammation!

Posted: September 2, 2016

Belly’s are a big topic these days. Ha! Pun intended. From crappy food choices, bad soil, pesticides, and conventional dairy, meat, and produce…our bodies are in a constant state of trying to get rid of toxins that set us up with issues with everything from candida, belly bloat, inflammation and worse. If you are a … Continued

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