Obesity’s Hidden Causes

Posted: May 31, 2017

Obesity. Have you stepped on a scale lately? Most likely if you are a woman over 35….you weigh yourself every day. What you don’t know when you weigh yourself, is that obesity’s hidden causes are lurking in your life. In your kitchen. In your workouts, and in your hormones. However…the great news is that YOU … Continued

FREE Weight Loss Smoothie Recipes

Posted: December 4, 2016

Too busy to cook health? Most health  conscious people rely on smoothies when it comes to getting in the right amount of nutrients…however, are you aware that most store bought smoothies contain as much sugar as a couple of cans of coke?! If you want to balance hormones and feel energized while losing weight, the … Continued

Healthy Holiday Eating

Posted: November 28, 2016

With the end of the year and the cold weather moving in, it gets even harder to plan for healthy holiday eating. If you have been watching your weight and trying to NOT gain any, or if you just know that this is the time for weight gain, do not despair! There are many tips … Continued

3 Foods that accelerate aging

Posted: July 22, 2016

If you are trying to look and feel young, then you should be sure to avoid these 3 foods that accelerate aging. Sugar.  Sugar causes the body to not only crave more sugar which causes weight gain, but also causes sugar to attack your molecules and cause destruction. Skin, organs, inflammation, and a body that … Continued

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