Cancer Causing Foods

Posted: February 27, 2017

Cancer. The single word that has affected more people than any word that I can think of. Instead of searching for answers on how to “treat” cancer…I believe that we should devote more time searching for Cancer Causing Foods so that we can PREVENT cancer. We live in a society that is undernourished but overfed. … Continued

Flatten Your Inflammation Belly

Posted: January 9, 2017

Did you know that the most common reason men have a beer gut or women have a pouch belly is because of inflammation in your gut? Literally… If you want to flatten your inflammation belly, then you have to look inside for answers. We are so loaded with toxins and invaders that our bodies are … Continued

Healthy Immune System Diet

Posted: November 2, 2016

Ever heard of a Healthy Immune System Diet? Well, at least not by name. I have heard of anti-inflammation diets, weight loss, diets, body firming plans and cleanses, but I have never heard of a healthy immune system diet, or at least not by name! I have an auto-immune disorder known as Hashimoto’s Autoimmune Thyroiditis. … Continued

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