Health Information for Women over 40

Posted: June 11, 2020

All health information is not the same. If you are in your 20’s and male, you would not follow the same wellness plan as a woman that is 50. This is why I provide health information for women over 40. Because I AM a woman over 40. And, I have been in the wellness, fitness, … Continued

What is the Best Diet for Women over 40

Posted: August 6, 2018

The word diet has to be the most said word out of every woman’s mouth over 40. What diet do you follow? What do you think about the Paleo diet plan? Have you heard of the new Keto diet? It goes on and on. So, what IS the best diet for women over 40? Let’s … Continued

Women over 40 – Skin, Body, Hormones

Posted: July 2, 2018

It’s amazing how fast the time seems to fly. Especially when looking in the mirror after 40. I know. As a woman over 55…(ugh!) I am surrounded by women over 40, skin, body hormones and complaints. That’s exactly why in the gym that I co-own with my husband, I only coach women over 40! I … Continued

Reverse Age Related Weight Gain Starting TODAY!

Posted: February 8, 2016

Birthdays…you either love them or wish you could ignore them. With weight gain in the forefront of most women’s, minds, you dread the added candles because that means a slower metabolism,right? What if you could reverse age related weight gain, starting today? There is a single mistake that I have coached women on for years…and … Continued

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