Ketogenic Diet-Thin from Within

Posted: January 17, 2018

There are a lot of buzzwords out there these days that have to do with finding the right diet. From Paleo to Atkins, Low Carb and now the Ketogenic Diet. How are we supposed to know what works?!   I personally have stated for years, “I do not follow a diet with a name.” But, … Continued

Conquer Food Addictions

Posted: September 19, 2017

We know more about diet and health than any population in the history of the world. Yet most of us are overweight or obese. Why? We don’t have the ability to conquer food addictions.According to the latest research, it turns out that many of us are literally addicted to food. Is it possible that you are, … Continued

Inflammation and Menopause

Posted: July 18, 2017

Menopause Belly is one of the most common issues with Inflammation and Menopause. That extra bit of flab goes with that daily exhaustion that makes you too tired for exercise. Unfortunately, women find that they not only are exhausted, but their clothes seem to fit poorly, and they don’t have the drive they had a … Continued

Lose Weight, Gain Energy!

Posted: June 27, 2017

Losing weight is one of the most talked about issues for women over 40. Unfortunately, with most diets, you end up miserable. Why? Because most diets are too hard to follow, too hard to stick to, and too easy to quit. What if you could lose weight and gain energy so that you not only … Continued

Women’s Health and Anti-Aging Website

Posted: June 16, 2017

There are way too many sites to boggle our minds with health information. Most of us do not know how to look up a question, let alone have the background or knowledge to know what is the truth. That is why I created this Women’s Health and Anti-Aging Website. I have been in the women’s … Continued

Lose Menopause Belly Flab

Posted: June 11, 2017

If you are a woman over 39, then I’ll bet if you look down, you’ve got a little “extra padding” around your middle. Most any woman that I know wishes they had a trick so that they could lose menopause belly flab quickly. I struggled with everything from hormone imbalances, to a thyroid disorder that … Continued

Flatten Your Bloated Menopause Belly

Posted: May 31, 2017

If you are a woman over 40, then chances are, you are feeling like your bellyfat will never budge. If you’d like to flatten your bloated Menopause belly, but don’t want to starve or workout for hours, keep reading. I was a cardio maniac in my youth, sometimes running on a treadmill for hours daily. … Continued

Obesity’s Hidden Causes

Posted: May 31, 2017

Obesity. Have you stepped on a scale lately? Most likely if you are a woman over 35….you weigh yourself every day. What you don’t know when you weigh yourself, is that obesity’s hidden causes are lurking in your life. In your kitchen. In your workouts, and in your hormones. However…the great news is that YOU … Continued

Menopause Belly Fat Reduction

Posted: May 23, 2017

Nearly every woman over 40 has looked down at her belly and thought “where did this come from”. Belly fat is not like other bodyfat, and it is much harder to get rid of, the longer it has been there…up until now. Menopause belly fat is a mixture of hormones out of whack, toxins lurking … Continued

Menopause Belly Flab

Posted: May 15, 2017

Every woman over 40 worries about what will happen to her body as menopause gets closer. They wonder about menopause belly flab, and if it will become troublesome. Even the girls that lead the healthy and fit lives are not prepared for what happens to some during menopause. From that tired feeling, to wrinkles and … Continued

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